Monday, October 3, 2011

Tens of Thousands Lose Welfare Cash Eligibility / Big Brother Knows Best

“My name is secluded. We live in a house the size of a matchbox. 
Roaches live with us wall to wall.”  
Motown Records

Can you hear it yet? It’s on the wind; a low mournful wail, sure to grow to a gale-like crescendo by December. A flat out high decibel shriek of despair and desolation as more than 40,000 people in Michigan realize the impact of a lifeline cut in two.

It’s the noise created by combining discordant elements: uncertainty-fear-dread-anger- rage- to create a scary sound; a sonic boom of a blast, as the hopes of tens of thousands of “the secluded” are simultaneously extinguished by a whirlwind induced through “Big Brother’s indifference.

Welfare kids already suffer too many lacks: stability-mobility-variety-opportunity- while welfare mothers are diminished daily by constant worry and unceasing anxiety.

Surely our Republican autocrats realize that $515 per month is a pittance which wouldn’t cover their monthly golf fees. Surely they understand that despair drives desperation, and that desperation creates chaos and causes mayhem. They’ve got to know that soon these seemingly invisible people, the poorest of the poor, will be out of options. Soon they’ll have nothing; not even roach infested houses.

‘Big Brother’ must know that people without hope have nothing to lose or live for, and that the now low wail on the wind could trigger a social tsunami, doesn’t he?

“My name is nobody. I don’t even have to do something to you. You’ll cause your own country to fall.”  

1 comment:

  1. a Federal Judge stepped in yesterday to stall the cutoff planned for October 1st, 2011. A short reprieve before the inevitable axe.

